August 25, 2021 Day 45
Not a lot to report today! It was very similar to yesterday! Super busy, which in a way is good because I really didn't eat a lot again, but I'm not sure being too busy to eat is good on the rest/relax/no stress vibes either. Not that when I'm busy means I'm stressed (I actually kind of prefer it!) It's a love/hate! I love being super busy because I feel like I stay really focused on my day and tasks and it's super distracting (like I don't think about eating!) but I love my down time too!
I did get a headache today and didn't last all day, but was fairly strong. It's gone now though thankfully. Oh and I did cheat today too! I picked up my beautiful organic veggie box from the farmers market and got TWO baskets of these gorgeous yellow and cherry tomatoes. They were so delicious! I had to snack on a couple! (Again worse things to cheat with!) I will probably make some salsa tomorrow and cheat on Tomatoes this week just a tad. Otherwise I didn't do horrible today. Certainly could have drank more water though!
Breakfast - Skipped
Lunch - PB, cucumber, hard boiled egg
Snack - Peanuts
Dinner - Mahi Mahi grilled with just a sprinkle of olive oil and salt and pepper. (no sides.) I had planned to have some broccoli but I almost skipped dinner all together, so the fish was enough for me.