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August 27, 2021 Day 47

Today/Last night has been my roughest night since I started. Hands down!

It hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday around 5 and it just got worse from there. My body hurt and it didn't let up, all, night! By 7:30 am I had to break down and take Alieve. I really had no other choice, especially if I had any intention on making it to work. The best way to describe the pain (even though I've never had this really) is like a big arthritic flare up? Every bone/joint in my body hurt. ESPECIALLY (like before - in the first week) my legs!! Hips to toes! Nonstop all night, then around 2:30am my headache worsened. Ugh it was rough all night. My hands were hitting my legs because it felt kind of good, or my legs were constantly moving, or my hands were squeezing my head. It hurt to open my eyes. I was a mess. Thankfully the Alieve did kick in and help! It didn't fully go away but it kept it at bay for a decent couple hours. By the time I got home from work I was feeling pretty uncomfortable. I soaked in a hot bath and my Mom rubbed my legs for me which was so sweet! It had to have helped. I couldn't take much pressure at all but I'm sure it helped with my circulation and flow. As the night has gone on, my head has been mildly in and out of a headache and my joint pain flucates between being the worst in my legs or hands. I took another Alieve before getting into bed. I have had zero appetite today, but I did force myself to eat, some. I also texted Patrick just to let him know what was going on. He was very attentive and told me to take it really easy this weekend (which I plan too). I hope it doesn't last long and I do hope that this is just a pretty good size 'die off' and my body detoxing.

Breakfast - Handful of sunflower seeds

Lunch - Hard boiled egg

Dinner - Salad rolls with PB drizzled on top and BROTH! I drank probably 3 cups of broth at least. It was soothing and felt good. It is an organic broth with ZERO sugar but it was stewed with carrots. I needed something though and certainly didn't have any stamina to go make my own!

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